I built this computer about seven years ago. I was just getting started, and did not have any spare cases I could use at the time, so I made my own case... It is shocking that nothing horrific happened. Thermals on the CPU in BIOS were about 30C (How?!), but I did not have the knowledge or tools to read the thermals under load so I have no idea how bad that thing was cooking. The main body of the case was made out of a box to a cheap inkjet printer, and the power supply, CD and floppy drives were supported by a wooden board which ran between the front and back of the case. That was not enough to hold all of the weight, so I took several strips of cardboard and duck-taped them together to make a support post which I stuck between the board and the bottom of the case. The power button/power LED/HDD LED group came from a Dell Dimension desktop and was jammed into a small hole I cut to be slightly smaller than the plastic piece. The HDD was zip-tied to the front of the case with the orange zip ties you see towards the bottom, and the CD drive was zip tied to the wooden board. The floppy drive and power supply were free floating. Overall, this PC was an absolute nightmare to behold, and the case itself did not last long (shocker!) before I had to dissasemble the PC and retire it.